About Lindsey Osimiri

Born in Texas, Lindsey is the daughter of Nigerian immigrants. Her parents left Nigeria in the 1980s to seek educational and economic opportunity in America. As a child, Lindsey watched her mother return to school to pursue a medical degree and her father run his own business, all while supporting four children and family in Nigeria. Through their example, Lindsey learned the importance of perseverance and the value of education.

Inspired by her mother's dedication to medicine, Lindsey focused on studying biology in grade school. However, as an MIT undergraduate, she discovered her passion for computer science and engineering. These diverse interests led her to the field of systems biology, where quantitative methods are applied to characterize biological systems.

While a student at MIT, Lindsey worked in several research labs and contributed to multiple publications. After graduation, she worked at Selventa, a systems biology consulting company, as a computational biology research associate. In that role, she used computational analyses and bioinformatics to make recommendations for multiple pharmaceutical companies and academic collaborators.

Currently, Lindsey is studying to complete a PhD at the University of California, Berkeley €“ University of California, San Francisco Graduate Program in Bioengineering. She plans to use algorithms to analyze and predict the functions of complex biological systems in her research, and later return to industry to create tools to make biological research more efficient.


  • BS in Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • PhD in Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley

Professional Fields

Work History

  • Computational Biology Research Associate, Selventa

Milestones and Recognition

  • NIGMS Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Fellowship (IMSD), UCSF | 2015
  • M. Morris, D. Clarke, L. Osimiri, D. Lauffenburger, "Systematic Analysis of Quantitative Logic Model Ensembles Predicts Drug Combination Effects on Cell Signaling Networks, " CPT Pharmacometrics August 2016
  • W. Singer, L.Osimiri, E. Friedberg, “ Increased Dietary Cholesterol Promotes Enhanced Mutagenesis in DNA Polymerase Kappa-deficient Mice,” DNA Repair August 2013
  • W. Tang, Y. Li, L.Osimiri, C. Zhang, “Osteoblast-Specific Transcription Factor Osterix is an Upstream Regulator of Satb2 during Bone Formation,” Journal of Biological Chemistry August 2011

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