Fellow Highlights & News

Women's Entrepreneurship Day: Paola Prestini's Journey to National Sawdust

Celebrating Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, we caught up with 1999 PD Soros Fellow Paola Prestini to learn more about her entrepreneurial journey as a co-founder of National Sawdust.

Discovering Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows

Insights from our Fellows

The Distance Traveled

June, 2024

In this issue:

Azucena Ramos discusses what is not on her resume. We hear from a 2020 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow on “What is a lesser-known challenge in your field that you feel passionate about addressing, and what is a step you are taking or have taken to tackle it?”. Get to know Kingson Lin in “What I’m Working On”, get excellent recommendations for Chicago, IL and Daisy Soros what she thinks would make Paul proud.

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