• Fellow Highlights

MBAchic Features PD Soros Fellow Norma Torres Mendoza

2018 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow Norma Torres Mendoza was featured by MBAchic, a publication and platform focused on women and business school. Norma, who was born in Queretaro, Mexico to a single mother, is a graduate of Rice University’s MBA program as well as the Harvard Kennedy School. 

MBAchic asked Norma for her advice to prospective PD Soros applicants. Norma said, “My advice to people that are applying is to reflect on their immigrant stories and how this has influenced their career choices and ultimately the mark they want to leave in the world. The other piece is to simply APPLY, I know that the list of past fellows can seem intimidating, I know it was to me. However, each immigrant in this country has a unique story to tell and it is crucial that we highlight all our contributions small and big in this country. Don’t tell yourself you are not good enough, apply and enjoy the application, which is a journey of self-discovery.”

You can find the full MBAchic story here. ∎

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